How We Use Your Donation
All monies received via donations and fundraising events go towards the vet & welfare costs of
Retired Police Dogs (RPDs).
Vets fees - these are invoices received by us that are issued by vets. Treatments range from dealing with life threatening Bloat, Cancer, Accidents, Injuries, through to Dental, Arthritis & conditions relating to advancing years or wear & tear due to the loyal service given.
Welfare costs - these are invoices for hydrotherapy, lazer treatment for joint pain/arthritis etc, and approved sessions with animal behavourist to assist RPDs and new families experiencing difficulties in the transfer from 'working' role to retired family member.
We only award money to reimburse the payments made by owners for vet treatments and/or for welfare items - this is done on completion of an Application for Funding Form accompanied by receipts as proof of payments made.
If we run a Special Appeal for a particular RPD then all the monies raised by that appeal go to that dog.
Should all the monies raised in a special appeal not be required immediately we will hold these funds in readiness for future claims relating to that RPD.
When the specific RPD passes away the monies will go into the main fund and be available for all RPDs.
How do we pay the running costs of the fund?
We regularly apply for specific grants & sponsorship & we use some of the profits from selling our merchandise to cover our running costs and for promotional material.
What type of things are included in our running costs?
Fees for:
Public Liability Insurance, website host,
printing - information leaflets etc, paper, print cartridges, envelopes & postage for correspondence.
Fees to book places/pitches at large events.
Fees for event shelter, tables, promotional signage, promotional materials, collection pots/buckets etc.
All involved with ERPDF -
Board of Trustees, Advisors and Volunteers are unpaid.
More about Trustees
Registered Charity No. 1158745 Essex Retired Police Dogs Fund
© 2014 - 2025 Essex Retired Police Dogs Fund All Rights Reserved
Updated February 2025