Essex Retired Police Dogs Fund
01206 823739
PRESS STATEMENT - 24th August 2020
It is noted by the Board of Trustees of Essex Retired Police Dogs Fund (Registered Charity No. 1158745) that a national police dog charity has been launched today (24th August 2020) with much media attention.
The objectives of this new charity are different to those of our charity in that serving police dogs are included in their charitable aims. Our considered view is that serving police dogs should not require charitable assistance as they should be entirely funded from the policing budget.
Another issue we need to comment on is the statement from the new charity that: - “There is currently no financial assistance for these dogs…”
This statement is unfortunately misleading as there are currently many individual retired police dog charity funds operating in the UK. These existing RPD funds (14) are listed at the foot of this statement.
Essex Retired Police Dogs Fund has been operating since 2012 - we have financially helped over 40 retired police dogs, some just once, others up to 21 times. We have awarded over £42,000. We are also honoured that we have helped several other Local RPD Funds to set up and look forward to helping many more.
The existing locally based retired police dogs fund charity sector is of vital importance and has particular objectives that differ from this new charity, it is right and proper that we respond to the news release made by the new charity to correct the information they have provided.
For and on behalf of
The Board of Trustees,
Essex Retired Police Dogs Fund.
Registered Charity No. 1158745
List of the existing Local RPD Charities (14) - with the Policing areas as at 4 July 2020.
[There are now 18 Local RPD Charities,
The Association of Local Retired Police Dog Charities, and the
National Foundation for Retired Service Animals 'NFRSA']
Collars -
Essex Retired Police Dogs Fund -
FiresideK9 - www.facebookFiresideK9
(West Yorkshire)
London Retired Police Dogs Trust - -
(Metropolitan )
Paws Off Duty -
(North Wales)
Pawsome Pensions -
(Devon, Cornwall & Dorset)
PawsUp -
Pensions4Paws -
(Isle of Wight, Hants, Oxon, Berks & Bucks)
(Thames Valley & Hampshire Police & Hampshire Fire & Rescue Service)
Railway Dogs Benevolent Fund -
(British Transport Police)
Retired Lancashire Police Dogs -
Retired WM Police Dog Benevolent Fund -
(West Midlands)
Staffordshire Retired Police Dog Fund -
WAGS Retired Police Dog Trust -
(Wiltshire, Avon, Gloucestershire, Somerset)
West Mercia Retired Police Dogs Welfare Fund -
(West Mercia)
Press Statement by ERPDF - 24th August 2020
Registered Charity No. 1158745